To quote a Jay Z lyric “I came, I saw, I conquered…” (I know, Caesar said it first but c’mon), my translation – I came, I decorated, I unpacked (read: we)!
We’re now pretty much settled in our new home (the house party sealed that), which of course is fabulous, and we both really love it. However, we moved at such a busy time of year, at least for me; September-October is such a busy time (events, launches, fashion week, mom’s b’day, my b’day, dad’s b’day, press days, etc), all these trips to and from London are messing with my working momentum.
Not that I’m complaining AT. ALL! Well maybe a little, it’s a way of coping, but when there’s shit that needs to get done and it can’t do it because I physically don’t have the time, it plays on my mind, which plays with my sleep. Do you see where I’m going with this? No, me either.
Anyway, I’m headed to London tomorrow to be with my Mommasita for a week, then again a couple of weeks later for another week. After that, it’s all systems go up in that studio til Christmas; I needs my beauty sleep!!!