Olga swimsuit hi-res

Pia -TK Maxx Me. By Me.

TK Maxx Me.By Me Martin Gordan2

TK Maxx Me.By Me Olga Nicole Taylor

TK MAXX SS14 Justina hi-res

The official TK Maxx Me. By Me. Spring Summer 14 Spring Summer 2014 campaign is here! The retailer has plucked eight British normal shoppers to star in their latest ad campaign, Me.By.Me, including 82 year old Martin from London and glamorous 62 year old Olga, who fabulously models a swimsuit.

For the first time, TK Maxx has gone into stores and featured its own shoppers from obscurity to represent the brand and inspire others to celebrate the wonderful things that make them unique. The campaign centres around the insight that people are at their happiest and most confident when they are their true selves. It aims to inspire shoppers to unlock their individuality and celebrate their own individual sense of style.

The models, who were scouted in TK Maxx stores across the UK include 25 year old, Pia Sarkar, a student from London, and 62 year old Olga Taylor, who beautifully models TK Maxx swimwear.

TK Maxx is also inviting people to share their individual style with the world by hash tagging their photos and videos, which will be collated online at, an online destination full of inspirational images and videos from real shoppers who are celebrating their own style identity and encouraging others to do the same. #mebyme