Here at Freak Deluxe we’re just like hedgehogs, not only do we effortlessly attack when in “danger” we also hibernate, and we hibernate well! Running around London is our cardio so you can imagine how hibernation foils our exercise routine. We got some great winter tips for hydration and exercise from fitness guru Professor Greg Whyte, the celebrity fitness trainer and former Olympic Pentathlete gave us some pointers for looking good and feeling great this winter; including desktop work outs and workouts specifically for bloggers.
Just get on with it!
“Anything is better than nothing! – don’t think you have to run a marathon in your first exercise session, you can achieve a huge amount in 5 minutes. Once you get started you can increase how often, how hard and for how long you exercise when you are ready.
Hydration, hydration, hydration!
“Maintaining hydration at all times of the day is important. When I trained Eddie Izzard to run 43 marathons in 51 days, one of the toughest problems we faced was hydration. Eddie needed to drink a lot to combat the amount lost through exercise. It is however also important to remember that keeping hydrated everyday is essential for maintaining good health, so don’t just think about it when exercising – apply staying hydrated to all you do.”
If engaging in a lighter workout or simply keen to keep yourself from feeling thirsty, whilst on the go this summer – glaceau vitaminwater® is a great tasting option and convenient way of keeping you hydrated, whilst getting some of the added benefits of essential vitamins and minerals. There are eight great-tasting flavours within the range, all with a specific function of added nutrients to help you get through your day

If participating in something rigorous & intensive such as a marathon. It is advisable to seek professional advice.
Reward yourself!
“Having a goal to aim for is an important part of any exercise programme. If you have a major goal i.e. Running a marathon, it is often best to have smaller goals along the way to keep you motivated. When I trained David Walliams to swim thee English channel I set him a number of smaller intermediate goals during his preparation including swimming to the isle of Wight. These smaller goals where crucial in his successful, record breaking, swim.”
“Set goals, no matter how small. Reward yourself when you reach your goal (short-term and long-term). Make sure the reward is something that you really want and do not let yourself have the reward if you have not reached your goal. Remember, avoid rewarding yourself with naughty treats – try teats like; an extra hour in bed, or a trip to the shops.”
*We were so thinking a new bag and/or shoes! That’s not naughty, is it?
If music be the food of love – then it’s time to love your exercise! Music can provide all the motivation you need to get up and get going. Motivational music to invigorate your session has a fast tempo (>120 beats per minute) and strong rhythm, and is often played loud for greatest effect. Soft music with a slow tempo can help relax you during low intensity and stretching exercise.”
Stay motivated!
Do something you enjoy. If you don’t like running, walk, if you don’t like walking have a kick about with your mates/organize some pool time with some friends. The more you enjoy your exercise the harder you will work and the more likely you are to keep it up in the long-term. One of the main barriers to exercise is lack of enjoyment and the main reasons people stop exercising is that they stop loving what they are doing.
If you want to avoid the cold all together try the following for a desktop workout, tips for those with limited time
Aerobic capacity:
“It is easy to add aerobic exercise to your working day simply by walking more. Rather than taking you car to work walk or take public transport. If you have to take your car, park as far away from the entrance to work as possible. Take the stairs rather than the lift. Try to walk at breaks and take opportunities to get up from your desk and walk regularly. These are simple tips but you can increase your number of steps per day without even thinking, try wearing a pedometer and you’ll see!”
· “There are a range of chair exercises you can do at your desk to help maintain, or improve, the strength of your legs, your core and upper body.
· For your legs try the chair squat: while sitting, lift up until your hips are just hovering over the chair, arms out for balance. Hold for 2-3 seconds, stand all the way up and repeat 20 times.
· To make it tougher try the one-leg squat: make sure the chair is stable and take one foot slightly in front of the other. Use the hands for leverage as you push up into a one-legged squat, hovering just over the chair and keeping the other leg on the floor for balance, repeat 20 times.”
For your arms try dips and bicep curl.
· Bicep curl: hold a bottle of glaceau vitaminwater (you can even use different variants to match your outfit!) Your right hand and, keeping your back straight, extend your arm until straight and return the bottle towards shoulder, repeat 20 times on both sides.
· Dips: on a stable chair, place your hands next to hips. Move hips in front of chair and bend the elbows, lowering the body until the elbows are at 90 degrees, push back up, repeat 20 times.
· For your stomach and core try ab twists: hold a water bottle at chest level and, keeping the knees and hips forward, gently twist to the left as far as you comfortably can, feeling the stomach contract. Twist back to centre and then to the right, repeat 20 times.
· Maintain, or improving, your flexibility can improve your performance, reduce in jury and improve your quality of life.
· Wrist stretch: extend arm in front, palm up and grab the fingers with other hand. Gently pull the fingers towards you to stretch your forearm, hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat with the other arm.
· Chest: lift your arms to the side level with your shoulders; bend your elbows so your hands are pointing up. Squeeze your arms backwards until you feel a stretch across your chest, hold for 20-30 seconds.
· Back stretch: sit tall and lift your arms straight in the air and clasp your finger. Without bending forward or backward bend to the side, hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat for the opposite side.
If you want to avoid the cold all together try the following for a desktop workout tips for bloggers
Aerobic Capacity:
“It is easy to add aerobic exercise to your working day simply by walking more. Rather than taking you car to work walk or take public transport. If you have to take your car, park as far away from the entrance to work as possible. Take the stairs rather than the lift. Try to walk at breaks and take opportunities to get up from your desk and walk regularly. These are simple tips but you can increase your number of steps per day without even thinking, try wearing a pedometer and you’ll see!”
· “There are a range of chair exercises you can do at your desk to help maintain, or improve, the strength of your legs, your core and upper body.
· For your legs try the chair squat: while sitting, lift up until your hips are just hovering over the chair, arms out for balance. Hold for 2-3 seconds, stand all the way up and repeat 20 times.
· To make it tougher try the one-leg squat: make sure the chair is stable and take one foot slightly in front of the other. Use the hands for leverage as you push up into a one-legged squat, hovering just over the chair and keeping the other leg on the floor for balance, repeat 20 times.”
For your arms try dips and bicep curl.
· Bicep curl: hold a bottle of glaceau vitaminwater (you can even use different variants to match your outfit!) Your right hand and, keeping your back straight, extend your arm until straight and return the bottle towards shoulder, repeat 20 times on both sides.
· Dips: on a stable chair, place your hands next to hips. Move hips in front of chair and bend the elbows, lowering the body until the elbows are at 90 degrees, push back up, repeat 20 times.
· For your stomach and core try ab twists: hold a water bottle at chest level and, keeping the knees and hips forward, gently twist to the left as far as you comfortably can, feeling the stomach contract. Twist back to centre and then to the right, repeat 20 times.
· Maintain, or improving, your flexibility can improve your performance, reduce in jury and improve your quality of life.
· Wrist stretch: extend arm in front, palm up and grab the fingers with other hand. Gently pull the fingers towards you to stretch your forearm, hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat with the other arm.
· Chest: lift your arms to the side level with your shoulders; bend your elbows so your hands are pointing up. Squeeze your arms backwards until you feel a stretch across your chest, hold for 20-30 seconds.
· Back stretch: sit tall and lift your arms straight in the air and clasp your finger. Without bending forward or backward bend to the side, hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat for the opposite side.
Don’t forget, make sure you always stay hydrated even when not exercising. If water is not your thing you can count on Glaceua Vitamin Water to quench your thirst and pep you up.