I love shopping in the mens section, it’s my go to for crew neck tees and oversized sweaters, but I recently discovered a new place to shop for my tees! Are you excited yet?
Well, a couple of weeks ago the H&M catalogue landed on my doormat; I perused through the women’s, then through the men’s. After that, I flicked through the kids clothes and immediately stopped when I came to a Mickey Mouse t-shirt that I just had to have! So I scoped the rest of the page, then the rest of the kid’s pages to see if I’d find any other hidden gems. Now I’ve always known H&M have some really great pieces for children and in my late teens, I used to buy them. However, I haven’t entertained the thought of buying any in a long time!
Now I’ve always known H&M have some really great pieces for children, and up to my early 20s, I used to buy them. However, I haven’t entertained the thought of buying any in a long time!
What made me entertain it this time? Like Sway, I ain’t got the answers! Anyway, I went to the store, you know to check the sizing – and bought 3 tees instantly. Check the 3 below…



The only reason I stopped at tees is they’re the only thing that’ll fit. My arms and legs are too long to fit anything else, i.e. their badass tracksuits. Unlike when I’m shopping in the mens section and the tracksuit bottoms are long enough but too baggy in the front.
If you are fortunate enough to have the boys tracksuits, bomber jackets, et al, fit you, then go get some! They go up to age 14+.
Where’s your favourite place to buy t-shirts? Have you ever bought kids clothes as an adult?