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Lipcote always reminds me of grandmothers who wore lipstick, this is down to the fact that when I was younger I’d always see a bottle of it in my nan’s handbag. Recently I’ve come to find out that, no, Lipcote is not just for “grannies”, it’s for chic ladies that know the secret to keeping fresh looking lippy all day!

I have an abundance of lipsticks, some a great and stay on for the best part of a day; others don’t. This is where the little genius bottle comes in,brushed over lipstick, Lipcote gives a satin matte finish that lasts hours, no feathering or fading. There’s a reason it’s been the #1 lipstick sealant for the past five decades! If you’re a lipstick queen it’s the best £4 you’ll ever spend!

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