Miss Selfridge put the word out about their Denim Bar, I saw the word customise and I knew come hell or high water I had to be there. Give me the chance to customise something and we will be friends for life! The lovely Miss Selfridge girlies had set out a wide array of denim for us to choose from – shorts, jackets, jeans, skirts; along with a truck load of studs and trimmings sourced from India! The girls from Sew Over It were on hand to help with the cutting and sewing on of trimmings. I initially picked up a jacket to stud but after assessing the studs I went for a pair of 80s “black” (grey) shorts; what I really wanted was the leopard print jeans but they would look like Capri pants on my legs (boo-hiss).

I opted for the gold star studs and went crazy! I like to call the newly customised shorts “Gold Star for Effort”! As well as the Denim Bar, we also got to see the Summer collection that’s full of digital prints, pretty florals, neons and metallics; the collection is due to drop into stores in the next couple of months.