There are many reasons why you might want to learn how to do something new. Maybe you need a new skill for your job, or perhaps you just enjoy learning new things. 

Photo by Matt Ridley on Unsplash

Learning how to do something is not always easy, but it can be fun and fulfilling when the time comes that you have learned successfully! 

Here are some great “how to” tips:

  1. How To Storage Your Watch

Get a watch box to store your valuable timepieces. How to store your Rolex valuable timepieces would be in their boxes when they’re not being worn to prevent damage from dust particles and other contaminants that could harm them over long periods of time.

 The less valuable watches can be kept in a nice watch drawer or on top of a dresser.

Keep an eye out for any loose screws, pins, or broken parts. If you find anything, fix the problem as soon as possible to ensure there are no complications during operations later down the road.

Clean your watch once every 2 weeks with a lint-free cloth and water. Make sure there is no residue left on the case or band before wearing it again.

  1. How To Meditate

Begin by finding a quiet space. Turn off all causes of noise, such as phone notifications and fans/air conditioners/heaters. Remove yourself from potential distractions such as windows. Make sure there are no stray objects on the floor that may cause you to trip.

Sit with your back straight up and down, but not tense or overly stiff. Try not to sit cross-legged on the ground if it bothers your knees. Instead, try sitting in a chair if necessary. Keep both feet firmly planted on the ground with your hands resting comfortably by each side of your body, palms facing up. 

You can also choose to place them on top of one another at your stomach area (this is known as ‘sinking’ meditation) or rest them on your thighs with fingers pointing towards each other (this is called ‘open monitoring’ meditation).

Close your eyes and breathe through your nose. Breathe out slowly while thinking or saying ‘relax’. Next, breathe in slowly through your nose while counting to 4. Hold your breath for 2 counts, then breathe out for 4 counts.

Try not to fidget or move around. If discomfort arises, try changing your position slightly or focusing on that area specifically without completely tensing up or moving suddenly.

Keep an open mind about the session/practice–don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t work right away! Just like learning any new skill, it requires patience and consistent practise over time to reap the benefits of meditation. 

It’s important never to push yourself too hard or force yourself into a mindset you can’t handle; otherwise, you’ll end up worsening the problem instead of solving it.

  1. How To Journal:

Decide on a format as there are many ways to journal.

Go with what works best for you.

Bullet Journaling: 

This is one of the most popular formats that’s gaining traction among young people, particularly students. The focus of bullet journaling has a more personalized way to structure your tasks and set reminders/goals/etc. It can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be.

Stream of Consciousness: 

A more intensive approach where you write absolutely anything that enters your head without going back and editing or deleting anything. Concepts include finding out new things about yourself and letting go of negative emotions by writing them on paper.

Gratitude Journal: 

This works well if you’re someone who has a long list of things to be grateful for, but you struggle to recall them when planning your day. The idea is that focusing on the good things gives you more energy and enriches your life. Depending on the desired effect, you can either do this at the end or beginning of each entry.

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