As the culture of online shopping begins to move to the sofa, looking online for the latest trends and styles, it is important to know how to use your online shopping time as effectively as possible, after all shopping is an art and needs to be treated as such. Of course, finding the best price for your purchases is extremely important so you will know when you have truly mastered your art when you are as able to go out and buy dinner after your shopping spree!

Although it’s a constant source of temptation because of all the shiny and exciting things it introduces us to, the internet can actually help you master the art of shopping and allow you to stretch your budget as far as possible. We all develop our own online shopping strategies to save cash and create fashion envy among our friends. Here are a few tried-and-tested methods to employ when shopping online.

1) Explore large ranges. For general items such as tops and blouses, retailers such as La Redoute are perfect. However always use a tactical approach; browsing websites can lead to making impulse purchases that empty your purse faster. Before you head online, make a list of the items on your current wish-list and use the sites’ own search toolbars to narrow by size and colour so that you don’t get distracted on your personal shopping mission.

2) Take advice from those in the know. Check in with blogs like Freak Deluxe and Let Me See Your Wears to find the latest fashion must-haves and for inspiration on how to maximise use of your current wardrobe; an alternative perspective can prove bountiful. Blogs and social media work both ways too, so if you are unsure about how to complete an outfit or are looking for a specific item, why not task your Facebook friends or Twitter followers with helping you out?

3) Checking the web for discount codes and offers before you checkout should be a shopping strategy you put into practice without thinking, but there’s more you can do. If you can’t find a discount yourself, again, why not ask for help from your online shopping friends? They might be able to share one with your or know of a similar item that can be purchased elsewhere for less.


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