File 25-11-2015, 22 39 34

When it comes to organising the perfect Christmas do, a lot of people tend to think it is an essential to book in early and go for a top notch, swanky venue. Christmas parties held at the actual office have a stigma attached of awkward moments in old sitcoms, with people getting drunk and doing unseemly things involving the photocopier. However, in recent years, the in-office work Christmas party is having something of a renaissance, and there are definitely ways to make it look good, be fun to enjoy, and really make for a memorable Christmas experience. Here are some of the reasons to throw your Christmas do at the office:

Everyone Will Attend

In most teams there are people who can’t make it out in the evening for whatever reason – perhaps because they have a long commute or have children they need to get back to when their childcare hours are finished. If you have your Christmas party in the office, nobody has to make any special arrangements and so everyone can come. If you want to extend the event on into the night that is absolutely fine, and the night owls or those without other commitments will stay or all head out into town together, but you will have managed to hold a good party that is inclusive for everyone.

It Is Easier To Plan

One of the main benefits to having your party on your own office premises is that you don’t have to worry months in advance about getting your location booked! You can actually start planning your party in November, rather than August! While there still is quite a lot to do if you want to wow your guests with things like professional catering and beautiful decorations, it is far easier to get things how you want them to be when the party is at your office than when you have to find and book a suitable locations and work with them to get things set up how you want them.

You Can Make It Classy!

Your office based Christmas party doesn’t have to be tacky, dreary or lame! Think about what your people will enjoy, and go with it. There is no reason why you can’t set up a dancefloor in a conference room, and if you really want to go all out, get a proper DJ! You can add fun things to do like karaoke or a quiz, or you can go high end and have great caterers supply your food and even get in some people to handle cocktails or other cool specialty drinks, like Liquid Chefs smoothie bars which are mobile, staffed bars you can set up at your party location to provide great drinks for your entire event!

Having your party on your own work site can offer loads of benefits and be fun to plan, so if you aren’t sure what to do for your work Christmas do yet, then this is well worth considering!

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