Now I think that my everyday beauty essentials are quite minimal; in terms of beauty products I’m a pretty simple being.  I don’t like to clog my face up with all kinds of crap, I like to let my skin breathe.  So the less products used on it, the better.  However, there are some things that your girl just can’t live without.

Coconut Oil

My makeup doesn’t get used every single day.  So if I’m going to be 100% real and say errday, then my absolute everyday beauty essential is Coconut Oil.  I use it all over my body as soon as I’m done in the shower.  I also use a bit on my face when I’ve finished cleansing and toning.  You’d think that it would make your face break out (I did anyway) but it hasn’t been a problem at all!  As soon as I’ve finished toning my skin, I rub less than a pea sized amount into the palm of my hands and massage it into my face while it’s still a bit damp.

Eyebrow Pencil

As a huge eyebrow fan (not a fan of huge eyebrows, but a big lover of the brows) I can’t do my makeup without my trusty eyebrow pencil.  If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the brows are the window frames.  Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I pluck my own brows weekly, so they’re far from unruly and do look arrrrite without le pencil.  However, I do like to buff them up a lil bit; sometimes a little too much.  Hey, shit happens!


A good healthy dose of mascara never hurt anybody!  While faux lashes look great, it’s not nice when they come off, it’s hard not to feel practically bald after the fact.  So, by sticking with the mascara, it’s not as heartbreaking when it comes off at the end of the night!


For me, eyeliner and mascara go hand in hand as everyday beauty essentials.  I was introduced to liquid liner many years ago by a friend of mine, who never left home without it.  It was love at first swipe.  Since then, I find it difficult not to add a slick of gel liner to my eyelid when doing my makeup.

Highlighter & Bronzer

My lack of cheekbones means I need a little help from my friends (highlighter and bronzer).  It’s more cheeks and no bones.

Lip Balm

Lip balm is the last of my everyday beauty essentials.  Chapped lips are a no no, especially when wearing a cute matte lipstick!  So whether it’s under lipstick, lip gloss, or by itself; it’s an absolute must.

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  1. Pingback: Packing List for Essentials: What Items Should You Put in Your Essentials Bag for a Vacation? - Freak Deluxe

  2. Pingback: How to Take Care of Your Appearance as You Age - Freak Deluxe

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