At the end of every year, I always think of what I’d like to achieve next or experiences I’d love to have. I wouldn’t call them ‘new year’s resolutions’ as I don’t believe you have to wait until a new year comes around to set yourself goals in life, but this time of year always makes me think about these things. In the process, I realised that I’d achieved most of the goals I’ve set myself over the past couple of years. So I’ve decided to write this post on a few of my tips for helping you stay on track with your resolutions in 2017.

Loving Yourself

If you’re hoping to gain more confidence in the new year and start seeing yourself in a different light, then start focusing on the positives. It’s easy to start blaming yourself when something goes wrong at work or at home but you have to be optimistic to see past the negatives and that things are probably not as bad as you first thought. It may be hard but cutting out any negative people or influences from your life is essential for your new positive outlook and will ensure you won’t fall back to your old self-loathing ways.

Weight Loss

This is probably one of the most popular new year’s resolutions and maybe the most difficult one to keep. The key to keeping yourself on track for this one is not starving yourself and actually giving your body what it craves every now and again. If you decide to treat yourself to a takeaway one day for example, opt for Chinese food which is surprisingly one of the healthiest cuisines in the world. Choose a combination of steamed vegetable dishes, tofu and chop suey for a nice mixture of flavours. This is healthy and enjoyable and it means you can still enjoy your favourite foods and lose weight at the same time.

Saving Money

This is a really important resolution for most people. It’s always good to have some money in a savings account for a rainy day but how to do you manage to keep saving throughout the year? It’s a good idea to find little things you can do to save a little bit at a time. 101 ways to save money has loads of great ideas worth trying out. For example, using comparison websites will help you find the best price for the product or service you’re looking for and websites such as Petrol Prices will help you find the cheapest places for petrol in your area which is always useful for anyone who drives.

Getting Organised

This was once something I wanted to achieve but could only seem to manage it for a couple of months at the most. Perhaps the best place to start on organisation is with a to-do list every day. Although some people like to see all of their chores in one place, having one huge list can seem like a lot to tackle which means you’re much more likely not to do any of it. Instead, tackle each day as it comes and sit down every evening to compile your list for the following day – you’ll find you’re much more successful in your efforts. It’s also a good idea to get rid of anything you no longer need in your office or home at the start of the year. Decluttering will make it much easier to see what you have and what you need. Also, starting a new filing system will mean important documents will be easily identifiable and ordered which is much less stressful when you need to find something.

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